Wednesday, March 18, 2009

    I was one of those teenage fagatrons who liked Tori Amos. In recent years, my love has greatly diminished. 2007's American Doll Posse promised a return-to-form, though fell short due to a total lack of editing. There are some great tracks ("Big Wheel", "Boucing off Clouds") buried under so much junk ("Fat Slut") that the whole thing was a first class bummer.

    She's about to release her tenth album, the obnoxiously-titled Abnormally Attracted to Sin. The first single ("Welcome to England") takes me back to the glory days of From the Choirgirl Hotel, my personal favourite in her catalogue and something I still listen to triennially. Fool me once (Fat slut!) shame on me, but fool me twice, Tori Amos, and shame on you! This song makes me have high-hopes. Skeptical ones.

    Download: "Welcome to England"

    1 comment:

    1. "teenage fagatron" deserves some applause.
